Kinnow (Mandarin Orange)Season 24-2025 coming Soon in Pakistan

That’s great news for Kinnow Mandarin! Kinnow, a type of mandarin orange, is a popular Kinnow Mandarin cultivated in Pakistan. It is known for its sweet and tangy taste, making it a favorite among many people. The Kinnow season in Pakistan typically starts from November and lasts until March. During this time, As Soon  freshRead More

Orange Kinnow Mandarin from Pakistan 23-2024

Best Kinnow Mandarin From Pakistan Oranges “Kinnow” fruit is rich in mineral salts and has high roughage content, which can help in alleviating acidity and constipation. The antioxidant properties of  kinnow may help reduce chances of cancer as well as risk of contracting HIV. It can promote anti-ageing properties and help keep the skin healthyRead More